Emergency card for carers

Posted by: ambertaylor - Posted on:

You can apply to Nottinghamshire County Council for a Carer’s Emergency Card, free of charge. It is available to carers who are caring for an adult who lives in Nottinghamshire (excluding Nottingham city residents).

The card identifies you as a carer and you can carry it with you. In an emergency, it will alert anyone who finds it that you are a carer and that someone you care for may need assistance.

The card does not give any personal information but instead provides a phone number that anyone can call. This will connect to the Customer Service Centre or to the out-of-hours Emergency Duty Team – this gives 24-hour cover, seven days a week.

When you sign up for the card you can nominate people to be contacted in an emergency to help make arrangements for the person you provide care for. You can also provide other information such as medical details and advice about access to the home. We treat this information with the utmost confidence.

If something happens to you and someone rings the number, our staff will immediately try to contact the people that you have nominated to discuss arrangements regarding the person you care for. If necessary, adult social care staff can help arrange suitable support.

How do I apply for a card?

Complete the online application form at


call: 0300 500 80 80 if you need any help completing this form