Staying Warm

Posted by: ambertaylor - Posted on:

Staying warm when it’s cold outside can be challenging, and the UK is expected to see a colder than average start to December. Budgets are squeezed for many, so cost-effective tips from the BHF are especially welcome.…/med…/beat-the-cold/keeping-warm

The Red Cross have information about staying warm during the winter, including a link to the 3,000 plus Warm Hubs across the country that are offering a warm place to be if you’re struggling to heat your home.…/tips-on-keeping-warm-this…

The Energy Saving Trust has advice on how to save money on your heating bills.

Longer term, to save money on your energy bills, you might want to consider ways to make your home more energy efficient. The Energy Saving Trust has advice about the ways in which you can improve the efficiency of your home.